Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Why would the democracy of the United States benefit from ending its current two-party system? One potential argument is earlier, before the two parties reached their current hyper-polarization and the crippling impasse that results from it, the Democrats and Republicans each contained within themselves enough philosophical and political diversity that they acted almost as multiple parties. Check out this article from The Atlantic for more information on that idea.

Nowadays, though, as entrenchment has rendered compromise all but impossible, it's time to consider another solution. I don't claim to have the answers, but came up with a plan for myself that is partially inspired by Bernie Sanders, and partially inspired by my grandparents, who notably favored third-party candidates: this week, I swapped my voter registration from Democratic Party to Independent, and in the upcoming election cycles, I will give the third-party candidates first consideration, and put Democrats last. With about 0.003% likelihood would I vote for a Republican.

If everyone chose this path, our current two-party system would naturally erode, and we would find new ways to operate politically in this country that would necessitate compromise, because no one party would likely be able to count on a majority. Can I convince you to try this voting experiment? I am looking forward to seeing an end to the current, inflexible, impractical, and discouraging political system here in the United States. ​ Unrelated note Two weeks ago, I paid my first visit to the dentist in over two years, and then starting this week I have developed a severe and painful case of pericoronitis. I think it is just a coincidence, but now I'm not sure if it makes sense to visit the dentist again so soon. There is a very high chance, perhaps 80% or higher, they will recommend removing my left lower wisdom tooth, but I want to avoid this if possible, and so will opt for home care of this infection if (or until) it reaches an intolerable severity.